Jewish Federation of San Antonio

Interim President and CEO

Jewish Federation of San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78208


Interim President and Chief Executive Officer(CEO)


San Antonio, Texas

Anticipated Start Date : November 1, 2024

Anticipated End Date:

June 30, 2025

Position Overview:

The Interim President and CEO of the Jewish Federation of SanAntonio will serve as the top executive responsible for leading andmanaging the organization in its mission to enhance Jewish lifelocally, nationally, and globally. Due to the interim nature ofthis position, and subject to the position conditions andexpectations noted below, the Interim CEO will provide visionaryleadership, strategic direction, and operational oversight,ensuring the sustainability and growth of the Federation’sprograms, services, and fundraising initiatives. The Interim CEOwill work closely with the Board of Directors, community leaders,partner organizations, donors, and other stakeholders to fulfillthe Federation's mission.

The position will require acombination of on-site and remote work.

Because this position is limited in its tenure(approximately 7-8 months) the Interim President and CEO will beexpected to:

Ensure that the current and ongoing policies and directives ofthe Board of Directors of the Federation are carried out in atimely and effective manner;

Provide overall supervision to the existing staff of theFederation and maintain staff morale, equilibrium, and a commitmentto service excellence during the period in which they shall serveas Interim President/CEO;

Provide direct supervision to members of the Senior Staff whocustomarily report to the President/CEO;

Work cooperatively with the Federation’s CFO to ensure thatfinancial operations are appropriately maintained and thatfiduciary obligations of the Federation are in compliance with allfederal, state and local laws and regulations as well as preparingfor the Federation’s annual independent audit of its financialstatements for the 2024 fiscal year;

Provide staff and other logistical support to the FederationBoard of Directors and Executive Committee as well as othercommittees customarily staffed by the President/CEO;

In consultation with key leadership of The Federation and whenauthorized to do by the Board Chair or his designee, serve as theofficial spokesperson of the Federation to the Jewish and widercommunities;

Maintain key relationships and meet with, as may be necessary,local Jewish agencies, local and state government bodies and othercivic organizations with whom the Federation maintainsrelationships;

Serve as the key professional liaison with Jewish Federationsof North America (JFNA) and other national and international Jewishorganizations with which the Federation maintains ongoingpartnerships and financial relationships;

Participate in JFNA activities associated with the IntermediateCities affinity group.

Ongoing Key Responsibilities and PositionExpectations:

Operational Management:

Oversee all aspects of the Federation’s operations, includingfinancial management, program development, and administrativefunctions.

Ensure fiscal responsibility and transparency in budgeting,financial reporting, and resource allocation.

Lead, mentor, and maintain a high-performing executive team andstaff

Board Governance:

Partner with the Board of Directors to fulfill theorganization’s mission.

Ensure effective communication between the board and staff,providing regular updates on organizational progress andchallenges.

Fundraising and Resource Development:

Drive the Federation’s fundraising efforts, including majorgifts, annual campaigns, endowments, and planned giving.

Cultivate, maintain and enhance relationships with key donors,foundations, and corporate partners.

Innovate and expand revenue streams to support the Federation’sprograms and initiatives.

Strategic Leadership:

Maintain the strategic vision aligned with the Federation’smission, values, and goals.

Collaborate with the Board of Directors to establish andmaintain long-term objectives and priorities.

Oversee and facilitate organizational planning, ensuring thatthe Federation remains responsive to the evolving needs of theJewish community.

Community Engagement and Relations:

Serve as the primary spokesperson and advocate for the JewishFederation, representing the organization in the community andbeyond.

Maintain strong relationships with local synagogues, Jewishorganizations, and other community partners.

Ensure that the Federation remains an inclusive and central hubfor Jewish life, addressing the diverse needs of thecommunity.

Advocacy and Public Policy:

Represent the Jewish Federation’s interests in local, state,and national advocacy efforts.

Collaborate with other Jewish Federations and Jewish advocacygroups on public policy issues affecting the Jewish community.



Bachelor’s degree required; advanced degree in nonprofitmanagement, business administration, Jewish studies, or a relatedfield is preferred.


Minimum of seven years of senior leadership experience innonprofit management, preferably within a Jewish communalorganization.

Proven track record of successful fundraising and resourcedevelopment.

Experience in strategic planning, organizational development,and community relations.

Experience working within an “integrated” Federationenvironment is preferred. (A Federation which includes thefinancial management, administration and governance of two or morelocal Jewish agencies.)

Skills and Competencies:

Deep understanding of Jewish culture, traditions, and values,with a strong commitment to Jewish communal life.

Exceptional leadership, interpersonal, and communicationskills. Fluency in Hebrew, while not a job requirement, willenhance communications with the Federation’s Israeli partners.

Ability to inspire and mobilize a diverse range ofstakeholders.

Strong financial acumen, with experience in budgeting,financial management, and reporting including familiarity with theFederation’s donor management system.

Capacity for innovative thinking and problem-solving in acomplex, dynamic environment.

Personal Characteristics:

Passionate about Jewish communal life and the Federation’smission.

High level of integrity, accountability, and ethicalstandards.

Culturally sensitive and inclusive, with a commitment todiversity within the Jewish community.


Salary range: $175,000 to $195,000 annual plus benefits (basedon eligibility) housing and travel allowance.

Application Process:

Interested candidates should submit a resume and cover letterdetailing their qualifications

and experience to Mark S. Freedman, Ad-Hoc Transition CommitteeConsultant,

via email to:



Applications will be accepted until September 3,2024.

The Jewish Federation of San Antonio is an equalopportunity employer.
