Aloha United Way

Aloha United Way - President & CEO

Aloha United Way, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, 96814



Aloha United Way (AUW) has been serving the Oahu community forover 100 years. AUW was established in 1919 by the localphilanthropic and business community as a more efficient way toraise and distribute charitable giving to communityorganizations.

Aloha United Way’s mission is to advance the health, education,and financial stability of every person in our community bybringing together resources, organizations, and people. Through itsdedication, AUW is able to build a stronger, healthier community bypartnering with over 300 nonprofit organizations, businesses,government agencies, and community leaders to address criticalsocial issues.

AUW addresses the most urgent systemic needs of the communitythrough investment in impact areas including the ALICE Initiative,Community Care Fund, Safety Net, and 211 Statewide Helpline. As anadvocate, resource, partner and connector to the community, AUWmobilizes resources, encourages volunteerism, and strives to createlong-term, sustainable change that enhances the well-being ofindividuals and families.

The Boardof Directors is filled with thought leaders from everysector of the community who are dedicated to creating systemicchange. Their strategic guidance ensures that AUW remains a vitaland impactful organization to lead the community into an equitable,healthy, and sustainable future.

ABOUT THE OPPORTUNITYAs Aloha United Way prepares for the retirement of currentPresident & CEO, John Fink, the Executive Committee of the AUWBoard of Directors is seeking a President & CEO to build onpast success and guide AUW into its next chapter of growth andimpact.

The President & CEO will provide visionary leadership andstrategic direction for the organization and work closely with theBoard of Directors, staff, and community partners to advance AUW’smission to advance the health, education, and financial stabilityof every person in our community by bringing together resources,organizations, and people. Key responsibilities include resourcedevelopment, community impact, organizational management, programdevelopment, strategic planning, and advocacy efforts.

The President & CEO will leverage relationships and networksacross private, public, corporate, labor, and nonprofit sectors toaddress community needs and strategically plan for new revenuesources, including grants, partnerships, and new businessopportunities, and ensure AUW’s effectiveness in Education, PovertyPrevention, and Safety Net Services. With a deep and broadunderstanding of business and management skills, the President& CEO will lead a high-performing leadership team to achievealignment and collaboration, ensuring operational and fiscalintegrity. Additionally, the President & CEO will serve as thespokesperson for the agency, building continued trust andincreasing relevance in the community.

The President & CEO will be instrumental in developing anupdated strategic plan, driving initiatives that enhance theorganization’s impact, and ensure sustainable growth andeffectiveness in addressing Hawaii’s most pressing socialissues.

HOW TO APPLYPlease submit the following, addressed to Aloha United WaySearch Committee, c/o Inkinen Executive Search, via emailto executives@inkinen.com by Friday,September 27, 2024 :

Cover Letter – expressing the reason for your interest in AlohaUnited Way, and how your skills and experiences match the President& Chief Executive Officer role.

