
Mobinah appointed Ambassador for Peace

AMUST, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States,

Mobinah Ahmad was appointed as an Ambassador for Peace by the Universal Peace Foundation on Monday 4 December at the Living for Others Awards night at Oceania Peace Embassy in Sydney.“The Universal Peace Foundation is very grateful for the outstanding work you do in your community and beyond. Becoming an Ambassador for Peace is being part of a world wide network of individuals from all walks of life who work for the cause of peace. You are actually already doing that,” said Mrs Catrine Van Dinklage, UPF Events Coordinator.The event was attended by more than 80 people who enjoyed the pleasant evening where the theme was “Living for Others” with four speakers who after receiving their award, spoke on the reasons why they live for others.Sharon Minniecon (distinguished Aboriginal community worker)Hassan Moussa (employment mentor and charity worker)Sameer Qasim (engaged in humanitarian activity as the producer of National Iraqi TV based in Sydney)Suzanne Spence (advocate and activist against human trafficking, modern day slavery and sexploitation of young women and children).Following an introduction by the MC Jynene Helland, the program included an Acknowledgement to People and Country and Prayer by Pearl Wymarra, impressive entertainment from the Australian Violin Academy Ensemble, a UPF introductory video, welcome and message by Greg Stone, Chairman of UPF Oceania followed by the awards presentation.“Living for Others Awards” continues as a hallmark event of Universal Peace Federation Australia.Mobinah is currently working as the NSW Executive Officer for the Australia Arab Chamber of Commerce & Industry.She is a young community leader within the Australian Muslim community and is actively involved in multicultural and interfaith communities across Australia.She is well known in the Australian community, amongst politicians, media outlets and interfaith groups while working through the mega-event MEFF ‘The Multicultural Eid Festival & Fair’, MEFF and as the Managing Editor in a popular community newspaper AMUST, The Australasian Muslim Times.Mobinah has a well-rounded education having completed International Baccalaureate from Methodist Ladies College, BA majoring in French, BSc majoring in psychology, MA (Digital Communication & culture) with her thesis on Facebook privacy, degrees awarded from the University of Sydney.She is currently completing her Masters in Islamic Studies from Charles Sturt University at ISRA.Mobinah has extensive experience in being a social media analyst and consultant, a professional photographer and filmmaker, multimedia journalist, and event manager.Mobinah has developed her very own socio-cultural friendship theory which went viral through a US podcast and also was featured on a number of programs on Australian Television on ABC and Channel 10.She has also participated in being the focus of two television documentaries showcasing her Australian Muslim identity, her extended family and her work for the community.Mobinah has travelled extensively with her family, friends as well as on exchange programs between Australia and other countries.Australasian Muslim Times, AMUST is a community newspaper for all presenting news and views using multimedia technologies.Gary Dargan

on January 1, 2018 at 1:30 pmCongratulations. UPF looks a bit more substantial than that shonky Korean cult that made Tawhidi the “Imam of Peace”. Hope the award was better than the plastic trinket he was photgraphed buying in Korea.Your email address will not be published.

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