UN Youth Australia

Chief Development Officer

UN Youth Australia, New York, New York, United States,

Applications are now open for the Chief Development Officer onthe National Executive of UN Youth Australia:This vacancy represents an amazing opportunity to be part of the team thatguides the implementation of UN Youth Australia’s national strategy andmission, and to play key roles in leading a range of portfolios.All members must be under the age of 26 at the time of their appointmentand eligible for Associate Membership of either a division of UN YouthAustralia or the national organisation. They must hold, or be eligible to hold, aWorking with Children Check (WWCC) or state equivalent.ABOUT THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVEThe National Executive (NExec) is the operating body of UN Youth Australia, acompany limited by guarantee that serves as the federal body for eight UN Youthstate and territory divisions. The National Executive consists of ten officers, eachholding a specific portfolio. The National Executive is appointed by the Board ofDirectors with the exception of the National President, which is elected by VotingMembers (divisions).What does the National Executive do?The National Executive’s role is to run the day-to-day operations of the nationalorganisation and help guide the strategy for the entire organisation. This involvesoverseeing the organisation’s administration, finances, educational content andmission, external relations, national and international programs, and volunteermanagement.What is the time commitment of being on NExec?Each National Executive member is typically appointed for a 12-month term, with thepossibility of an extension. During this time, each officer should aim to attend:● Weekly National Executive teleconference meetings (usually for 2 hours).● One National Executive Face to Face meetings (usually held over three daysin February, with location to be determined)● Twice yearly National Council meetings (held over one week each time in July2024 in Brisbane and December 2024 in Sydney).Reimbursements are made for travel and accommodation for National Councils andNational Executive Face to Face meetings.National Executive members serve in a volunteer capacity and do not receive afinancial compensation or a stipend for their service. The estimated time commitmentfor National Executive members is 15-20 hours per week on their portfolio.Oversight and accountabilityEach member of the National Executive is directly overseen by the NationalPresident and will undergo performance reviews conducted by the Board of Directorsat least twice a year.Each member of the National Executive signs a Confidentiality Agreement and aVolunteer Agreement developed in collaboration with the HR Committee of the Boardof Directors that agrees the volunteer’s role and responsibilities and ways of workingwith the Board.CHIEF DEVELOPMENT OFFICER

The Chief Development Officer is responsible for engaging externalstakeholders to create sponsorship and partnership opportunities for UNYouth Australia and for managing relationships with UN Youth Australia’sAlumni.

The Chief Development Officer is responsible for:● Designing and implementing an innovative organisational sponsorshipand partnerships strategy;● Working with the National President to build and manage partnershipswith key stakeholders in government, private and non-profit sectors.● Applying for grants and sponsorship (both financial and in-kind) onbehalf of the organisation;● Fostering and building the UN Youth alumni community, and workingwith divisions and National Council Convenors to plan alumni eventsaround Australia;● Overseeing the National Accessibility Panel and seekingsponsorships/partnerships that increase the accessibility of ourorganisation;● Promoting sponsorship best practice throughout the entireorganisation, by creating sponsorship resources, materials and guides,and providing guidance to individuals, divisions and event convenors;● Providing support to Development Directors in UN Youth Australiadivisions;● Sitting on the Board Ethics Committee to assist in evaluating the ethicsof potential partnerships;● Overseeing a Partnerships Manager and Alumni Manager who assistthe CDO with their duties.Additionally, the Chief Development Officer is expected to demonstratethe following core competencies:Essential Criteria● Strong project management skills;● Ability to lead the strategic direction of the Development Portfolio(self-direction);● Demonstrated ability to seek sponsorship for events/organisationsand/or previous success in applying for grants;● Ability to communicate effectively and with clarity;● Ability to work to deadlines; and● Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment.Desirable Criteria● Strong background in networking and forming business connections;● Innovative and creative mindset about strategy and partnerships;● Experience in negotiating contracts or MOUs;● Interest in Accessibility and/or Ethics; and● Willingness and ability to drive new initiatives that improve the capacityof the organisation in line with the Strategic Plan.Your application should include:● Your name, age and division (state/territory)● Your best phone number and email address● Your WWCC number or local equivalent (if you have one)● A resume of relevant experience, not to exceed one A4 page● A statement addressing the core competencies outlined below andyour vision for the role, not to exceed two A4 pagesApplications close at 11:59pm AWST on Sunday 5 November 2023.AppointmentThe roles will be appointed by UN Youth Australia’s Board of Directors inNovember 2023. The successful candidates will be appointed for a 12-monthterm starting 1 January 2024, with the possibility of an extension.QuestionsPlease direct any questions to the National President, MichaelDonaghue-Evans, at president@unyouth.org.au.
