
Request for Proposal: Consultant for Kubu Raya Investment Outlook

IBCSD, Washington, District of Columbia, us, 20022

BackgroundSustainable financing to realize sustainable landscape management in jurisdictions is a key factor in providing sustainable financing options including sustainable investments. Such efforts should focus on establishing appropriate funding and investment mechanisms, developing transparent governance mechanisms, providing and identifying funding sources and assisting in the development of work programs based on equitable social and economic principles, recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples.In the midst of the ongoing pandemic and economic recession, Indonesia remains resilient and hopes to continue to accelerate investment, both domestically and abroad. The positive growth of direct investment in Indonesia is a green light for the economy to move forward. Based on BKPM data, the achievement of investment realization in the first quarter (January–March period) 2021 was IDR 219.7 trillion, or an increase of 4.3% compared to the first quarter of 2020.A jurisdictional approach, where the landscape is defined by policy-relevant boundaries, and a high degree of government involvement, aims to protect forests, reduce emissions, and improve livelihoods across central, provincial, district and sub-district governments, as well as villages. This territorial focus facilitates strategic alignment with public policies and programmes, and means that governments are usually either leaders or active participants in strategy development and implementation. Placing environmental and social sustainability at the center of efforts to develop and implement an integrated, cross-sectoral and jurisdictional policy agenda distinguishes jurisdictional sustainability from business-as-usual policy-making.Choosing a jurisdictional approach to sustainable landscapes in the tropics is increasingly seen as the most effective method for conserving productive ecosystems and supporting livelihoods. Strengthening integrated landscape management efforts, this approach brings together different levels of government, central to local, to increase and develop funding for ecosystem services, environment, agriculture, and rural development.The province of West Kalimantan has launched a green development initiative that is environmentally friendly with a commodity-based basis, supporting the Government of Indonesia's efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation. As a member of the Governor’s Climate and Forests Task Force, the development of West Kalimantan Province in an effort to reduce emissions refers to three main pillars: strengthening the Forest Management Unit, controlling the use of space and governance of permits, building partnerships with the private sector to ensure sustainable commodity supply chains, and ensuring low-emission development that is inclusive with the active involvement of indigenous peoples and smallholders.Investment Opportunity in Kubu RayaThe concept of green growth presents a new approach to economic growth, placing human well-being at the center of development and ensuring natural resource assets continue to provide environmental resources and services to support sustainable development.Kubu Raya Regency, formed in 2007, has an area of 6,958.22 square kilometers and consists of nine sub-districts and 118 villages. It has significant natural resources for the development of agriculture, plantations, forestry, livestock, and fisheries, as well as potential mining materials and energy resources.The Objective and Expected OutputThe objective of this initiative is to promote, inform, and attract investors to invest in plans in Kubu Raya Regency to support green growth through an “Investment Outlook” developed by jurisdictional stakeholders.Expected OutputComplete information about the social, economic, environmental, and governance conditions of Kubu Raya District to achieve green growth and the Sustainable Development targets (SDGs).Availability of information for various parties (Central Government, Regional Government, investors, business actors, coalitions, and forums) for advancing sustainable investment, green growth, and achieving SDGs in Kubu Raya Regency.Description of AssignmentThe author will be responsible for technical input and delivery of the results of the writing to the public in the related district.Collecting data by collaborating with parties developing commodity pipelines in the relevant Jurisdiction.Draft an Investment Outlook based on inputs and directions from the District Government.Present a draft investment outlook for input at the working group session and finalize it based on feedback from public consultation.MethodThe investment outlook development will be developed into six main stages:Secondary data collection (Desktop Study) and primary data collection (Online or Offline).Initial writing.The Initial Draft is presented at the Focus Group Discussion for data clarification and input.Revision and addition of information in the Investment Outlook.Public consultation for final draft.Obtaining Partner’s Consent.Qualifications and SkillsConsultants can be individual consulting agencies (consulting companies, research institutes, NGOs) working in fields related to the environment, circular economy, and social governance.Excellent writing skills and collaborative work demonstration.Flexibility and adaptability to ensure the greatest impact.Demonstrated ability to deliver by commercial law and confidentiality.Analytical assessment of qualitative and quantitative data.Established network among key individuals and organizations in Indonesia.Results and schedule of activities are expected to be completed within 12 weeks, starting from September-November 2022.Please send your RFP to info@ibcsd.or.id with the subject ‘Application: Consultant “ Kubu Raya Investment Outlook”.Closing date for application is up to Sept 31, 2022.Published on:

October 5, 2022By:

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