
Consultant Services for Development of Guideline on Business Energy Transition

IBCSD, Washington, District of Columbia, us, 20022

Consultant Services for Development of Guideline on Business Energy Transition

A. Background

According to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report (2022), the implementation of current pledges by national governments put the world on track for a 2.5°C warmer world by the end of the century. Greenhouse gas emissions must decline 45% by 2030 to limit global warming to 1.5°C in line with the long-term climate goals of the Paris Agreement. Business commitment to net-zero emissions has seen positive increases, but concrete decarbonization strategies and actions are necessary. Almost 60% of global GHG comes from the energy sector. Therefore, decarbonization in the energy sector is crucial. The renewable energy mix in Indonesia reached only 14.11% at the end of 2022, falling short of the national target of 23% by 2025. More ambitious actions are needed to change the current trajectory.Based on current trends, significant barriers for companies to transition to renewable energy and energy efficiency include enabling regulations, access to financing, adequate skills and infrastructure, and access to innovation and technology. These barriers need to be addressed to enable companies to accelerate their transition.Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) is a CEO-led business association committed to supporting sustainable development and accelerating business decarbonization through energy transition. IBCSD plans to develop a guideline for increasing business capacity in decarbonization actions through an integrated energy solutions strategy, derived from WBCSD’s Guidelines for An Integrated Energy Strategy and tailored to Indonesia’s context.B. Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of this activity is to develop a guideline for increasing business capacity in decarbonization actions. The objectives are as follows:Utilizing WBCSD’s Guidelines for An Integrated Energy Strategy adapted to Indonesia’s context;Streamlining approaches and targets related to business decarbonization;Gaining input from relevant government institutions regarding the targets and direction of business decarbonization;Gaining input from businesses regarding their interests and trends in decarbonization.C. Scope of Works

The guidelines will consist of two modules:Module 1: Energy EfficiencyModule 2: Decarbonizing Energy SourcingThe consultant shall propose methodologies to deliver the outlined activities, including:Preliminary DraftingThe consultant will develop a first draft based on a desk review of various materials, including:WBCSD’s Guidelines for An Integrated Energy Strategy;Regulations and policies in Indonesia related to business decarbonization;References from global policies regarding business decarbonization from at least five countries, including two with similar contexts to Indonesia;Available papers and references in Indonesia from other institutions regarding business decarbonization.After the preliminary draft, the consultant will conduct interviews or discussions with governmental stakeholders, including:Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR);Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF);Ministry of National Planning (MoNP);PT PLN (Persero);Related companies.The consultant may propose other stakeholders to maximize support in developing the guidelines.Validation WorkshopValidation workshops will engage at least 20 companies for each module, selected from IBCSD members and other proposed companies.D. Tasks, Deliverables, and Expected Schedule

The tasks and expected deliverables are as follows:No



Expected Schedule


Desk Review

List of reviewed documents & summarized relevant content

7 days


First Draft Guideline

Preliminary draft of guidelines modules

20 days


Stakeholders’ interview and dialogue/discussions

Minutes of Meeting

8 days


Validation Workshop Module 1

Activity Report

1 day


Validation Workshop Module 2

Activity Report

1 day


Finalization of Guidelines Modules

Issuance of Guidelines

5 days

The consultant is expected to deliver results within three months of signing the contract/MoU and submit a timeline of the program plan.E. Division of Responsibility

The division of responsibility is as follows:No





Desk Review

Providing access to relevant references

Conducting overall activities until report preparation


First Draft Guideline


Conducting overall activities until report preparation


Stakeholders’ interview, dialogue/discussions

Managing event logistics

Preparing materials, reports, & analysis


Validation Workshop Module 1

Managing event logistics

Preparing materials, reports, & analysis


Validation Workshop Module 2

Managing event logistics

Preparing materials, reports, & analysis


Finalization of Guidelines Modules

Final review

Conducting overall activities until report preparation

G. Proposal Submission

The following documents are to be submitted by the consultant:Administrative: Corporate legal documents, corporate profile, and CVs of related consultants.Technical: A technical proposal outlining their approach and methodology.Commercial: A commercial proposal covering overall personnel and non-personnel costs.The documents must be submitted by:Day/Date: Tuesday, January 30th, 2024Time: 12.00 WIBPoint of Contact

For clarifications, contact:IBCSD SecretariatMenara Duta Building7th Floor Wing BJl. HR. Rasuna Said B-9Jakarta 12910Tel (+6221) 52901941/42Fax (+6221) 5290-1949Email: info@ibcsd.or.id
