The Superintendent of Schools serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Wilmington Public Schools, overseeing its overall planning, operations, and performance. Acting as the primary advisor and support to the School Committee, the Superintendent provides recommendations on decision-making, policies, and strategic planning, while serving as the Committee’s official agent to district staff. This role includes selecting, organizing, and leading the district’s management team, driving district-wide planning and staff development, and ensuring robust operational and financial controls are in place.
Massachusetts Superintendent Certification
Masters or higher degree
3-5 years’ experience in educational administration
Successful performance in teaching and administrative capacities of increasing responsibility
Wilmington School Committee
Directly supervises district-level administrators and holds ultimate supervisory authority over all other personnel employed by the district.
The criteria for performing the job responsibilities of the Interim Superintendent include the ability to function effectively in the following categories:
A. Educational Leadership
Facilitates the development of and implements a collaborative effort to seek fulfillment and refinement of the educational vision, mission, and beliefs and assists the School Committee in setting priorities for the school system.
Supports policy and works for constructive change.
Communicates the educational vision, mission, and belief standards effectively to all stakeholders.
Demonstrates knowledge of developments and trends in K-12 education.
Ensures that policies, procedures and school rules promote a safe, respectful, and healthy school environment.
Communicates effectively with the School Committee, staff, students and the community about educational trends, curriculum needs and instructional programs.
Ensures that administrators and teachers communicate student progress and school curricula to parents.
Administers the development, implementation, and assessment of educational programs consistent with state and federal standards.
Conducts reviews of the total school program, and advises the School Committee on recommendations for the educational advancement of the schools.
Recommends to the School Committee the timely revision and adoption of courses of study, curriculum, teaching materials, etc.
B. Communication
Keeps the public informed of the status of the schools and the District as a whole.
Ensures meetings of administrators, teachers and other staff members are conducted as necessary for the discussion of matters concerning the improvement and welfare of the schools.
Communicates to all staff members, directly or through delegation, actions of the School Committee relating to policy matters and receives from employees communications to be made to the School Committee.
Confers as appropriate with professional and lay groups concerning the school program and transmits suggestions to the School Committee and others, as appropriate.
Provides the School Committee ample and timely information in order for them to make well-informed decisions.
Communicates the Wilmington School District vision, mission and belief standards effectively to all stakeholders, is proactive and uses a variety of means to inform, commend, recommend, thank, inquire, and respond.
Establishes and maintains a program of public relations to keep the public well informed of the activities and needs of the school system, affecting a wholesome and cooperative working relationship between the schools and the community.
Communicates with and understands the needs and perspectives of various community groups.
Attends, or delegates a representative to attend, meetings of municipal agencies at which matters pertaining to the school system appear on the agenda or are expected to be raised.
C. Staffing
Implements the Massachusetts Teachers Evaluation system for all staff.
Fosters an environment that encourages continuous learning and improvement on the part of school staff.
Ensures protocols are in place to develop and implement an effective system of staff development focused on improving the educational and operational programs for each of the schools in collaboration with the School Committee, administration, and District.
Advocates for staff to participate in conferences, visitations and coursework within the framework of the school system’s budget.
Keeps the School Committee abreast of staff development priorities, needs, and activities.
Develops and implements a hiring process that complies with applicable state and federal laws targeting the most qualified and competent teachers, administrators, and co-extra-curricular personnel.
Ensures that job descriptions for all staff are developed, remain current, and serve as a basis for the evaluation of all school personnel.
Participates, as deemed appropriate by the School Committee, in negotiations with recognized employee bargaining units.
Responds appropriately to employee grievances or problems in accordance with applicable School Committee policies, collective bargaining agreements, and/or state/federal laws and regulations.
Establishes personnel procedures that provide information that may be used to advance the quality of the school system, such as exit interviews for departing employees, employee focus group discussions on specific aspects of job performance and duties, questionnaires, and/or other means of eliciting staff member feedback.
D. Financial Management
Demonstrates the ability to perform effective financial forecasting and long and short-term financial planning.
Supervises the preparation and presentation of the annual budget and recommends it to the School Committee for approval.
Explains clearly the proposed budgets, needs and priorities to all stakeholders.
Ensures financial procedures and accounts are maintained and that audits are performed on an annual basis. Further, communicates any audit findings by a third-party to the School Committee with recommendations for corrective action.
Apprises the School Committee of the status of expenditures and receipts on a regular basis.
Aligns budgeted funds and human resources to achieve agreed upon strategic goals.
E. Operational and Facilities Management
Files, or causes to be filed, all reports required by state or federal laws/regulations.
Makes administrative decisions necessary for the effective and efficient operations of the schools. Acts on own discretion when emergency action is necessary in matters not covered by School Committee policy. Reports such emergency actions to the School Committee and recommends policy for future guidance.
Models for all school personnel the use of data to make well-informed decisions.
Supervises and ensures compliance with all laws, regulations, and School Committee policies.
Individual employment contract. One-year appointment. Salary and other conditions of employment as established through contract with the School Committee. Must be available beyond 40 hours per week for meetings of the School Committee, frequent evening, and weekend events, as well as for emergencies, to meet the needs of the district.
Performance shall be evaluated in accordance with Massachusetts law.
Salary and benefits will be negotiated in accordance with experience and competitiveness for the region.
July 1, 2025
Please send a letter of interest and resume to: Andrea Stern Armstrong, Director of Human Resources.
March 21, 2025
See details and apply
Interim Superintendent of Schools – Wilmington Public Schools Wil...