Sapublicschools - South Amboy, NJ, United States, 08879
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South Amboy Public Schools
240 John Street, South Amboy, New Jersey 08879
May 13, 2024
The South Amboy School District has the following opening for the 2024-2025 school year:
- Valid New Jersey School Business Administrator Certificate, Certificate of Eligibility OR be eligible to meet these requirements prior to the start date
- Have or eligible for QPA license preferred
- Minimum experience as determined by the Board
- Understanding of the principles and practices of financial accounting and reporting procedures consistent with statute, code and GAAP requirements
- Knowledge of accepted business practices in school districts related to budget preparation and administration, risk management, purchasing, transportation, food services, school plant operations and facility planning
- Demonstrated organizational, communication and interpersonal skills
- Required criminal history background check and proof of U.S. citizenship or legal resident alien status
- Position available July 1, 2024
Reports to: Superintendent/Board of Education (as Board Secretary)
Supervises: Facilities Supervisor, Food Service, Transportation and Business Operations Staff.
Job Goal: To supervise, manage and coordinate the business affairs of the district efficiently and effectively to ensure that educational support services help to achieve the educational goals of the district with the available financial resources.
Performance Responsibilities:
- Assists the Superintendent in the preparation of the annual school budget and is responsible for the administration of all phases of the budget throughout the year.
- Serves as general accountant for the board. Keeps accurate and detailed accounts of all financial transactions as prescribed by statute, administrative code and board policy.
- Assumes responsibility for the audit of all claims, invoices and demands against the board, presents them for board approval and submits them to the treasurer of school monies for payment.
- Collects tuition fees and other monies due to the board not payable directly to the treasurer of school monies and transmits such funds to the treasurer.
- Serves as the official purchasing agent of the board and is responsible for establishing procedures for the acquisition of supplies and equipment for the district in accordance with law and board policies.
- Works with the Superintendent and Facilities Manager to ensure that all local, state/federal standards for the health and safety of students and staff are maintained and that required reports are maintained.
- Assists the Superintendent in the development and implementation of a multi-year (3-5 years) comprehensive maintenance plan and the district’s long-range facilities master plan.
- Regularly provides reports on activities, programs, projects and fiscal status of office.
- Is responsible for the efficient operation of the district's food services program; ensures that procedures are in accordance with law and regulations.
- Administers the district's insurance/risk management program.
- Assists the Superintendent in projection of facility needs and oversees all construction programs. Helps develop educational standards for sites, buildings and equipment; prepares cost data; and cooperates with the architect.
- Acts as the agent of the board in site acquisitions and sale/lease of property and is responsible for scheduling the use of school buildings and grounds by authorized groups in accordance with board policies.
- Oversees the preparation of the district payroll and ensures proper maintenance of records related to auditing requirements, tax laws, and employee benefits. Is responsible for implementing hospitalization, major medical and other types of board-approved employee benefit plans.
- Is responsible for investment of Board funds in accordance with statute and board policy.
- Assists the Superintendent and the Board in developing and updating policies for all aspects of the school business operation.
- Safeguards and maintains all records and papers of the Board, and devises a system of acceptable recording and filing to guarantee the safety and availability of all reports, minutes of meetings, contracts, communications and publications, and such other documents as the board may place in the secretary's custody.
- Is responsible for the retention and destruction of public documents in accordance with state law and retention schedules and serves as the district’s records management officer.
- Notifies all Board members of regular and special meetings. Calls special meetings whenever requested by the Board President, Superintendent or by a petition signed by a majority of the Board. Attends all Board meetings.
- Records all proceedings of Board meetings, prepares the official meeting minutes and handles all correspondence of the Board.
- Performs duties related to school elections as required by law and works cooperatively with the county Board of Elections, the county clerk and district board of elections in facilitating all regular and special school elections.
- Presides at the annual reorganization meeting of the board until such time as a president is elected.
- Administers the oath of office to newly elected board members.
- Files with the County Superintendent a report listing the name and social security number of each bus driver or substitute driver and certification of a valid school bus driver's license and criminal background check.
- Annually develops and transmits to the County Superintendent of schools, on or before February 1, a list of names of the school officials, by office and position, whose responsibilities require the filing of the Financial and Personal/Relative Disclosure Statements.
- Notifies the County Superintendent of the names of newly elected or appointed board members to obtain the state-required Financial and Personal/Relative Disclosure Statements.