Brothers Gutters

Data Management Lead II - (Durham, North Carolina, United States)

Brothers Gutters, Durham, North Carolina, United States, 27703

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to Parexel's Strategic Partnerships!Although we work globally, each partnership we form is deeply personal. We are as dedicated to every aspect of our client’s product development as they are – and work closely with client teams in true partnership to understand both challenges and opportunities. At Parexel we are focused on meeting customer and patient needs through collaborative partnership so that we get treatments into the hands of patients who need them most.

As a Data Management Lead you will have the opportunity to:

Use your leadership skills to drive

decision-makingBe a part of a team that empowers you to focus on client

relationshipsAttend Bid-Defense Meetings virtually and/or in person where you can meet your clients

face-to-faceDevelop strong relationships with a specific

clientMake an impact on patient data in a range of therapeutic

areasGrow your


through access to ongoing training and development

opportunitiesExperience work/life balance and flexibility through a home-based positionRequired Experience:At least 5 years of industry experienceProven record of leading project and program teams in a technical/programming or data processing environmentRobust knowledge of ICH-GCP Guidelines, local regulatory requirementsAbility to work effectively with and motivate virtual

teamsStrong ability to manage multiple and varied tasks with enthusiasm and prioritize workload with attention to

detailStrong communication

skills and a customer service focusOriginaly published: May 29, 2024, 8:35 p.m.Did you like this article? Sign up

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