Lily's SoftWash LLC

Principal Systems Administrator - (Newton, Massachusetts, United States)

Lily's SoftWash LLC, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States,

Principal Systems Administrator - (Newton, Massachusetts, United States)

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of news, jobs and events, by defining keywords andfollowing your favorite content sources.Job Location : 275 Grove Street, Suite 101C, Newton, MA 02466 and remote work permitted. Position requires travel to various unanticipated sites throughout the U.S.Job Title : Principal Systems AdministratorJob Duties : Parexel International LLC seeks a Principal Systems Administrator based in Newton, MA to collaborate with team to architect and implement cloud architectures. Manage security updates and patches and recommendations for future upgrades. Configure authentication and authorization of directory services. Maintain inventory of assets and prepare provisioning and deprovisioning of assets. Design and deploy wired and wireless networks. Manage and maintain network servers and ensure security via network. Manage connectivity, and review LAN/WAN infrastructure technical considerations. Perform network address assignment, assign routing protocols, and routing table configuration. Work with implementation teams to own their development and production infrastructure and practices. Collaborate with core platform teams on engineering, deployment, testing, and management procedures and systems. Drive internal teams to improve the reliability, scalability, and performance of the infrastructure through prompt resolution of problems and improved system design. Contribute to the design and implementation of a system to fully orchestrate the development, testing, verification and deployment of production code. Root cause sources of issues in large-scale distributed systems. Mentor team members on devops practices. Monitor performance and maintain systems according to requirements, troubleshooting issues/outages as needed. Maintain content with respect to technical documentation, manuals, and IT policies. Work with service providers and vendors for procurement, installation, and troubleshooting as needed. Identify options to improve processes related to infrastructure management, security, or other services provided by select vendors. Position requires travel to various unanticipated sites throughout the U.S. Remote work permitted.Minimum Requirements : Employer will accept Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Electronics Engineering, or a related field plus 5 years of progressive experience in systems administration with each of the following:Network Administration and DevOps Engineering; Operating systems and platforms, including Ubuntu and Amazon Linux; Scripting with Python, Bash, and PowerShell; Various AWS services that constitute networking, compute, storage, and account configuration; Postgres and Elasticsearch databases; Network protocols, TCP/IP, firewalls, routing and networks (LAN, WAN, WLAN); Security hardening using iptables/netfilter, kernel counters, and MTU settings; Atlassian tooling and cloud-based enterprise workspace solutions; Single Sign On (SAML) authentication systems including Okta; Design and implementation of change management processes; DevOps methodologies, tools and technologies including Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Git, Terraform, Ansible, and Packer; System security (e.g., endpoint security & intrusion detection systems), data backup/recovery, and designing and implementing patching systems; and Distributed systems in practice including multi-tier architectures, application security, monitoring, and storage systems.To apply, please send resume to openings@parexel.com and cite requisition number 009251, or apply at jobs.parexel.com.Originaly published: May 2, 2024, 4:33 p.m.Did you like this article? Sign up

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