Brothers Gutters

Senior Disaster Recovery Engineer - (Durham, North Carolina, United States)

Brothers Gutters, Durham, North Carolina, United States, 27703

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of news, jobs and events, by defining keywords andfollowing your favorite content sources.Do you want to make an impact in your next role? Parexel is looking for changemakers who are driven by curiosity, passion, and optimism. Come join us in keeping the Patient at the Heart of Everything We do.The

Senior Disaster Recovery Engineer

will be responsible for managing the activities to ensure that Parexel is able to recover our IT systems in the event of a disaster and perform DR testing exercises. This includes DR Plan creation and review, annual testing of required applications, preparing for and managing the DR Test events, maintaining required documentation pre and post DR Tests, and managing application recovery in the event of a production disaster.This is a hybrid role in our Durham, North Carolina office.Key Accountabilities:Partner with leadership, subject matter experts, and management to develop detailed and comprehensive disaster recovery plans for each required applicationAct as liaison for auditing and examination of disaster recovery processesAssist in managing recovery during a crisis event as needed and assist with incident responseDetermine critical business processes and establish resources required for the successful resumption of business operations in the event of a disasterDocument situation reports and lessons learned for actual incidents and exercisesManage DR Program using the Business Continuity Software Suite (RecoveryPlanner)Establish and maintain detailed DR communications and command and control plansEstablish and maintain the overall plans for executing all DR procedures and understand their interdependenciesMaintain policies and procedures for the Disaster Recovery ProgramManage change control process to keep all plans updated for changes in recovery team members, facilities, services and systemsPartner with the Incident Management team and assist in facilitating business recovery, as requiredPerforms regular reviews and updates to all program activities to identify areas of opportunity for improvement and enhanced operational resiliencyProvide disaster recovery planning, testing oversight, and governanceProvide expertise and support to management and business functional areas, as required, when a business disruption occursProvide ongoing feedback for risk management, mitigation, and preventionSchedule and lead all DR exercisesComplete required Documentation pre/post DR exercisesQualified candidates should possess:10 years of experience in computer technology and/or information systemsFoundational knowledge of servers (Windows, Linux), applications, databases, storage/backup and networks8 years of IT project managementPrevious experience in a large global organizationExcellent communication skills both written and verbalAbility to present to SLT on disaster recovery planning, testing and resultsCritical thinking skills, ability to manage multiple projects simultaneouslyEducation:Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or related fieldPMP certificate preferredTuition ReimbursementVacation/Holiday/Sick

TimeFlexible Spending & Health Savings AccountsAt Parexel we embrace flexibility and understand that in today’s fast-paced world, employees need to balance their careers with their personal lives. Come join us where learning is constant, you’re exposed to a world of experiences and open doors.Originaly published: July 3, 2024, 4:20 a.m.Did you like this article? Sign up

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