
Business Analyst Services (C: Advanced)

Abacus, Tallahassee, Florida, us, 32318

1.PURPOSE:This scope of work is for business analyst services to provide documentation, testing, training, and Scrum Management necessary to support operations of the Florida Department of Health, Office of Budget and Revenue Management (Department). Contractor will provide these services to the Department.2.TERM: This scope of work will begin on 7/1/2024 or the date on which the purchase order is issued, whichever is later. It will end at midnight, Eastern Time on 6/30/2025. The State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this purchase order and any subsequent renewal is contingent upon annual appropriation by the Legislature and satisfactory performance of the Contractor.3.LOCATION OF WORK:The worksite for this scope of work is the following location(s): Florida Department of Health Building 4052 4052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, FL 32399 4.CRIMINAL BACKGROUND SCREENING:The Department will conduct a criminal history record check, including fingerprinting, on the consultant assigned by the Contractor prior to the consultant commencing work for the Department. The Department retains sole discretion as to whether the results of the criminal history record check will result in the Contractor's employee being disqualified from performing services pursuant to this agreement.5.CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE:Contractor staff assigned to this agreement must possess the following minimum qualifications and experience: Eight years of experience as a software development project Business Analyst; Eight years of experience with facilitating meetings; Eight years of experience with software testing; Eight years of experience documenting process flows; Eight years of experience creating user guides; Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business Administration, or other related field. Or equivalent work experience; Experience with setup and execution of automated testing.6.CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: SERVICE TASKS : Contractor will perform the following tasks in the time and manner specified: Prepare a monthly activity report documenting all activities performed and submit it to the Department Contract Manager with the invoice. Schedule and facilitate meetings; including agenda and minutes preparation, as directed by the Department. Prepare process flow charts, as directed by the Department. Prepare design documentation, as directed by the Department. Prepare application test cases, conduct application case tests, and track test status, as directed by the Department. Prepare training documentation and deliver training to users, as directed by the Department. Maintain and monitor the project RAID log, as directed by the Department. Prepare documentation for all aspects of the Software Development Life Cycle, as directed by the Department. Prepare and maintain Scrum related documentation, as directed by the Department.6.1.10.DATA SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY TASK:The Contractor, its employees, subcontractors, and agents must comply at all times with all Department data security procedures and policies in the performance of this scope of work as specified in the Data Security and Confidentiality document attached to the purchase order.6.2.DELIVERABLES:Contractor will complete and submit the following deliverables to the Department in the time and manner specified: Monthly: provision of business analyst services in the time and manner specified in Tasks 6.1.1 - OF PAYMENT: A purchase order will be issued to the Contractor. The method of payment for this purchase order is unit rate. The Contractor will not receive payment in advance for goods or services described in this scope of work. The Contractor must submit an invoice monthly that provides a detailed accounting of the deliverables performed during the invoice period for which payment is being requested. The Contractor is responsible for the performance of all tasks and deliverables contained in this scope of work.8.PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES:All deliverables and related tasks must be completed 100% as specified. Failure to satisfactorily complete or submit a deliverable in the time and manner specified will result in a financial consequence as indicated below: Failure to complete and submit Deliverable 6.2.1. in the time and manner specified will result in a payment reduction equal to 5 percent of the total monthly invoiced amount. Failure to comply with Task 6.1.10, DATA SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY will result in a payment reduction equal to 5 percent of the total monthly invoiced amount for each week the Contractor is not in compliance.9.CONTRACTOR TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT:Reimbursement for travel expenses is authorized only when approved in advance by the Department Contract Manager and conducted in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes and Department Internal Operating Procedure (IOP) 56-37.10.DEPARTMENT CONTRACT MANAGER:The Department Contract Manager for this scope of work is: Janeann Brown Budget Analyst Florida Department of Health Office of Budget and Revenue Management 4052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, FL 32399 Contract Manager Database 11.CONTROLLING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Department Request for Quote; Data Security and Confidentiality Document; State Term Contract (80101507-23-STC-ITSA); Department Purchase Order Terms and Conditions; Contractor's Response to the Department's Request for Quote, and Department Scope of Work SOW24-###.